World Reiki Research
He is a committed Reiki teacher and practitioner with extensive experience since 1998. He has studied various Western and Japanese Reiki styles, gaining a profound understanding of its transformative power. As an instructor, Stephan focuses on helping students deeply understand and trust their abilities in Reiki. He is an active member of SwissReiki and the founder of the Reiki & Science Database. His Reiki journey, which began with helping a hospitalized friend, has become a lifelong path of personal growth and community connection. Stephan also enjoys learning about nature, gardening, arts, history, and the exploration of consciousness in the human experience.
Francis was born in Santiago, Chile and lives close to Geneva, Switzerland. He has been teaching the Reiki method in Geneva since 2000, He is the co-founder and current president of SwissReiki, In addition to his work in Reiki, he holds a doctorate in physics. He serves as both the webmaster and scientific advisor for WRR.
René is Swiss and Italian, is married, has two sons and lives in Switzerland and
professional since 1992 as teacher and practitioner. Website:
(Co)Founder of numerous Reiki Organisations.
Since 2010 he focusses on the reconciliation process in the Reiki community.
his first profession, he was a commodity trader until 1988, an art gallerist
and entrepreneur until a personal crisis in 1990 brought him to Reiki. René
is a keen sportsperson and loves theatre, dance and the arts.
“I am committed to WRR because I believe in its vision and because it has an inclusive spirit building bridges within the Reiki community and beyond.” In WRR he holds the position of a consultant.
João practices Reiki since
2001, in Portugal. Founded the Portuguese Reiki Association in 2008 and supported
the creation of the Brasilian Reiki Association (Associação Brasileira de
Praticantes de Reiki, 2019 and officialised in 2024.
He promotes the volunteering in institutions and
hospitals through the Associação Portuguesa de Reiki, that has more than 200
volunteers. Every year we have a Reiki, History and Science Seminar, that takes
academics and researchers to Portugal to share the history and latest research
on the benefits of Reiki.
He's also dedicated to Peace and Dialogue, through
the Association for Peace and Dialogue, he is an Alumni of KAICIID
(International Dialogue Center), and a buddhist.
He has written several technical books on Reiki, as
well as Buddhism.