World Reiki Research
Reiki as a Pillar of Holistic Health
envision a future where Reiki Therapy is a recognized pillar within the
holistic health and education framework, addressing the physical, emotional,
mental, social, and spiritual dimensions of humanity.
Collaboration for Scientific Progress and Innovation
facilitate thriving collaborative relationships with communities and
institutions, integral to our efforts. We leverage our extensive networks to
promote transdisciplinary science, practice, and innovation in Reiki therapy.
Through Knowledge and Wisdom
are committed to making Reiki research and knowledge accessible and
comprehensible to everyone, including the public and professional
practitioners. Our goal is to empower individuals from all walks of life to
utilize Reiki effectively for positive results and applications.
Diverse Audiences
the academic and Reiki communities, we actively engage with representatives
from public and private sectors, fostering connections across various
industries. We welcome the diversity and relativity of approaches to the study
of Reiki.
We understand that no absolute scientific theory or practice can lead us to complete knowledge; rather, it is through integrating the wisdom and experiences that exist in diverse communities and cultures that we will come to a deeper understanding of Reiki and its applications.