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OncologyStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisEN: Reiki application in oncology patients
PT: Aplicación de Reiki en pacientes oncológicos
2022   INFO
OncologyStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisBioenergy therapies as a complementary treatment: a systematic review to evaluate the efficacy of bioenergy therapies in relieving treatment toxicities in patients with cancer2022   INFO
Scientific Views and ConceptsOthersTheoretical studyEstablishing a Base Curriculum for Reiki Training2022   INFO
Mental Health: Depression and AnxietyStress and AnxietyClinical studyA case report of Acute and transient psychotic disorder precipitated by Reiki practise2022   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyEffects of Reiki on Stress Reduction of Residents of Multi Professional Residence in Health in Times of Pandemic COVID-192022   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisYoga and Reiki as Self-Care Interventions for Professional Nurses: A Weekend Retreat2022   INFO
Biofield and Energy Healing - Research and Comparative StudiesBiofield / Energy medicineClinical studyAssessing the Ability of Reiki Practitioners to Detect Human Energy Fields2022   INFO
Healing - Placebo or RealStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisDoes Reiki Benefit Mental Health Symptoms Above Placebo?2022   INFO
Chronic Illness / PainPain ManagementClinical studyvThe effects of Reiki and hand massage on pain and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis2022   INFO
Chemo / Radiation TherapyStress and AnxietyClinical studyDE: Wenn die Müdigkeit zum täglichen Begleiter wird: Nicht-medikamentöse Interventionen zur Linderung von Fatigue bei Brustkrebspatientinnen während der Chemotherapie
EN: When fatigue becomes a daily companion: Non-drug interventions to alleviate fatigue in breast cancer patients during chemotherapy
2022   INFO