World Reiki Research
The aim of this “Science & Reiki database” is to facilitate the search for scientific articles. It compiles all the clinical studies on the Reiki method and is regularly updated. It is aimed at both researchers and the general public interested in the science of Reiki. It also enables us to analyse the evolution of Reiki research in the world of science. For example, it shows that Reiki research has nearly tripled in 10 years and that Brazil and Turkey become some of the biggest contributors.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you find it useful for your project. Please submit to any report, study and article for review and inclusion in this database. Any external link to the present “Science & Reiki database” is welcome.
Topic | Category | Type | Title | Year | Info |
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personal | Nursing / Care Program | Thesis | Nursing self-care Through Reiki Practice in the Clinical Setting - Project Plan | 2023 | INFO |
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual level | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | EN: The "Naru" Programme: Effect of a Programme to Promote Socio-emotional Well-being in Undergraduate Nursing Student PT: Programa "NARU": Efeito de um Programa de Promoção do Bem-estar Socioemocional nos Estudantes de Licenciatura em Enfermagem | 2023 | INFO |
Healing - Distance / Intention | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | EN: Developing a distance Reiki project: is it possible? PT: Desenvolvimento de um projeto de Reiki a distância: é possível? | 2023 | INFO |
Gynaecology | Stress and Anxiety | Thesis | EN: Effect of reiki on stress and anxiety in pregnant women in the municipality of Ouro Preto-MG PT: Efeito do reiki no estresse e ansiedade em gestantes do município de Ouro Preto-MG | 2023 | INFO |
Gynaecology | Stress and Anxiety | Thesis | EN: Reiki in the therapeutic approach to postnatal depression in primary health care PT: O reiki na abordagem terapêutica da depressão puerperal em atenção primária à saúde | 2023 | INFO |
Diabetes | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | The Reiki therapy effect on reduction the anxiety and the fatigue for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: case study in lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra Indonesia | 2023 | INFO |
Pre and Post Operation Care | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | EN: Effectiveness of reiki therapy for preoperative anxiety in cardiac surgery: randomised clinical trial PT: Efetividade da terapia Reiki para ansiedade pré-operatória na cirurgia cardíaca: ensaio clínico randomizado SP: Efectividad de la terapia de reiki para ansiedad preoperatoria en cirugía cardíaca: ensayo clínico aleatorizado | 2023 | INFO |
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personal | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | EN: Benefits of Reiki in Mental Health Care for University Students PT: Benefícios do Reiki no Cuidado da Saúde Mental de Universitários | 2023 | INFO |
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personal | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Reiki intervention for supporting healthcare professional care behaviors in pediatric palliative care: A pilot study | 2023 | INFO |
Animals and Plants | Stress and Anxiety | Thesis | EN: Effects of Reiki therapy on equine behaviour PT: Efeitos da terapia Reiki no comportamento de equinos | 2023 | INFO |