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Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalNursing / Care ProgramThesisNursing self-care Through Reiki Practice in the Clinical Setting - Project Plan2023   INFO
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual levelStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: The "Naru" Programme: Effect of a Programme to Promote Socio-emotional Well-being in Undergraduate Nursing Student
PT: Programa "NARU": Efeito de um Programa de Promoção do Bem-estar Socioemocional nos Estudantes de Licenciatura em Enfermagem
2023   INFO
Healing - Distance / IntentionStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: Developing a distance Reiki project: is it possible?
PT: Desenvolvimento de um projeto de Reiki a distância: é possível?
2023   INFO
GynaecologyStress and AnxietyThesisEN: Effect of reiki on stress and anxiety in pregnant women in the municipality of Ouro Preto-MG
PT: Efeito do reiki no estresse e ansiedade em gestantes do município de Ouro Preto-MG
2023   INFO
GynaecologyStress and AnxietyThesisEN: Reiki in the therapeutic approach to postnatal depression in primary health care
PT: O reiki na abordagem terapêutica da depressão puerperal em atenção primária à saúde
2023   INFO
DiabetesStress and AnxietyClinical studyThe Reiki therapy effect on reduction the anxiety and the fatigue for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: case study in lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra Indonesia2023   INFO
Pre and Post Operation CareStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: Effectiveness of reiki therapy for preoperative anxiety in cardiac surgery: randomised clinical trial
PT: Efetividade da terapia Reiki para ansiedade pré-operatória na cirurgia cardíaca: ensaio clínico randomizado
SP: Efectividad de la terapia de reiki para ansiedad preoperatoria en cirugía cardíaca: ensayo clínico aleatorizado
2023   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: Benefits of Reiki in Mental Health Care for University Students
PT: Benefícios do Reiki no Cuidado da Saúde Mental de Universitários
2023   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyReiki intervention for supporting healthcare professional care behaviors in pediatric palliative care: A pilot study2023   INFO
Animals and PlantsStress and AnxietyThesisEN: Effects of Reiki therapy on equine behaviour
PT: Efeitos da terapia Reiki no comportamento de equinos
2023   INFO