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GynaecologyNursing / Care ProgramClinical studyThe development of the Reiki therapeutic nursing model for promoting the holistic health in pregnant women with hypertension: the pilot study2015   INFO
Palliative CareStress and AnxietyThesisEN: Application of Reiki to control anxiety in institutionalised elderly

PT: Aplicação do Reiki no controle da ansiedade de idosos institucionalizados
2015   INFO
Hospital ProgramStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisEN: Reiki as therapeutic form in health care: a narrative literature review

PT: O Reiki como forma terapêutica no cuidado à saúde: narrativa da literatura

ES: El Reiki como forma terapéutica en el cuidado de la salud: una rev isión narrativa de la literatura
2015   INFO
Hospital ProgramStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisPT: O Reiki como forma terapêutica no cuidado à saúde: narrativa da literatura
EN: The Reiki as therapeutic form in health care: a narrative literature review
ES: El Reiki como forma terapéutica en el cuidado de la salud: una rev isión narrativa de la literatura
2015   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: Reiki as a Strategy of Self-Care and Integral Health Promotion: A Reality the Health Worker of the Federal District
PT: Reiki como uma estratégia de Autocuidado e Promoção de Saúde Integral: Uma Realidad o Trabalhador de saúde do Distrito Federal
2015   INFO
Communication, Ethics and Behavior of Energy Medicine workersBiofield / Energy medicineClinical studyA Consideration of the Perspectives of Healing Practitioners on research Into Energy Healing2015   INFO
Healing - Laying on HandsStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisEN: The application of the technique of imposition of hands on stress-anxiety: a systematic literature review

PT: A aplicação de técnicas de imposição de mãos no estresse-ansiedade: revisão sistemática da literatura
2017   INFO
Biofield and Energy Healing - Research and Comparative StudiesNursing / Care ProgramTheoretical studyUse of Reiki as a biofield therapy: An adjunct to conventional medical care2015   INFO
Mental Health: TraumaStress and AnxietyThesisReiki: Application As A Modality of Integrative Therapy For Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And Other Wounded Warrior Issues2015   INFO
Pre and Post Operation CarePain ManagementClinical studyEffects of Healing Touch on Postsurgical Adult Outpatients2015   INFO