World Reiki Research
The aim of this “Science & Reiki database” is to facilitate the search for scientific articles. It compiles all the clinical studies on the Reiki method and is regularly updated. It is aimed at both researchers and the general public interested in the science of Reiki. It also enables us to analyse the evolution of Reiki research in the world of science. For example, it shows that Reiki research has nearly tripled in 10 years and that Brazil and Turkey become some of the biggest contributors.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you find it useful for your project. Please submit to any report, study and article for review and inclusion in this database. Any external link to the present “Science & Reiki database” is welcome.
Topic | Category | Type | Title | Year | Info |
Diabetes | Nursing / Care Program | Clinical study | Effectiveness of using the smart energy method (Reiki) as an alternative preventive Patient Hyperglycemia Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 | 2019 | INFO |
Parkinson | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Use and perceived effectiveness of complementary therapies in Parkinson's disease | 2019 | INFO |
Newborn and Premature Born | Children | Review / Meta-analysis | EN: Reiki's efficiency in Newborn: a systematic review PT: Eficácia do Reiki em recem-nacscidos: uma revisão sistemática | 2019 | INFO |
Pre and Post Operation Care | Pain Management | Thesis | Reiki as a pain management adjunct in the postoperative total knee arthroplasty and surgical obstetric population: An integrative review | 2019 | INFO |
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual level | Others | Thesis | Sensemaking and Identity in ComplementaryAlternative Medicine: Communication Study on Reiki | 2019 | INFO |
Healing - Laying on Hands | Pain Management | Clinical study | EN: Pain study - Quality of life through therapeutic laying on of hands DE: Schmerzstudie – Lebensqualität durch therapeutisches Handauflegen | 2019 | INFO |
Palliative Care | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Reiki therapy for pain, anxiety and quality of life | 2019 | INFO |
Chemo / Radiation Therapy | Pain Management | Clinical study | REASSURE- Effects of Reiki as supportive treatment during chemotherapy of breast cancer: A prospective, randomised, controlled clinical trial | 2019 | INFO |
Chemo / Radiation Therapy | Nursing / Care Program | Review / Meta-analysis | EN: Reiki in the Relief of chemotherapy-related bio-psycho-emotional signs and symptoms PT: Reiki no Alivio de sinais e sintomas biopsicoemocionais relacionados a quimioterapia (PT) | 2019 | INFO |
Stem Cell Transplant | Children | Clinical study | The Power of Reiki: Feasibility and Efficacy of Reducing Pain in Children With Cancer Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation | 2019 | INFO |