World Reiki Research
The aim of this “Science & Reiki database” is to facilitate the search for scientific articles. It compiles all the clinical studies on the Reiki method and is regularly updated. It is aimed at both researchers and the general public interested in the science of Reiki. It also enables us to analyse the evolution of Reiki research in the world of science. For example, it shows that Reiki research has nearly tripled in 10 years and that Brazil and Turkey become some of the biggest contributors.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you find it useful for your project. Please submit to any report, study and article for review and inclusion in this database. Any external link to the present “Science & Reiki database” is welcome.
Topic | Category | Type | Title | Year | Info |
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personal | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | EN: Perceptions of nursing professionals Perceptions of nursing professionals from a general hospital about Reiki intervention PT: Percepções de profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital geral sobre a intervenção com Reiki ES: Percepciones de los profesionales de enfermería de un hospital general sobre la intervención de Reiki | 2021 | INFO |
Pre and Post Operation Care | Pain Management | Clinical study | Reiki and Mindfulness: Effects on Pain Levels, Patient Experience and Patient Satisfaction on an Inpatient Medical-Surgical Unit | 2021 | INFO |
Oncology | Stress and Anxiety | Thesis | EN:Reiki in Nursing Care: Imaginary and Everyday life of people and families experiencing cancer PT: Reiki no cuidado de enfermagem: imaginário e quotidiano de pessoas e de famílias vivenciando o cancer ES: Reiki en el cuidado de enferemría: Imaginario y cotidiano de personas y familias viviendo el cancer | 2021 | INFO |
Mental Health: Depression and Anxiety | Stress and Anxiety | Review / Meta-analysis | Effects of Reiki Therapy on Control of Pain, Anxiety, and Stress: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trial Studies | 2021 | INFO |
Chronic Illness / Pain | Pain Management | Review / Meta-analysis | Self-Reiki, Consideration of a Potential Option for Managing Chronic Pain during Pandemic COVID-19 Period | 2021 | INFO |
Chemo / Radiation Therapy | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Effect of Reiki Therapy on Quality of Life and Fatigue Levels of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. | 2021 | INFO |
Oncology | Stress and Anxiety | Review / Meta-analysis | EN: Impact of Reiki therapy on the well-being of oncological patients: A systematic review PT: Impacto da terapia Reiki no bem-estar dos pacientes oncológicos: Uma revisão sistemática ES: Impacto de la terapia Reiki en el bienestar de los pacientes oncológicos: Una revisión sistemática | 2021 | INFO |
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personal | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Feasibility and Effect of Reiki on the Physiology and Self-perceived Stress of Nurses in a Large US Hospital | 2021 | INFO |
Gynaecology | Pain Management | Clinical study | The Effects of Reiki and Back Massage on Women's Pain and Vital Signs Post–Abdominal Hysterectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial | 2021 | INFO |
Palliative Care | Children | Clinical study | Feasibility and Acceptability of a Reiki Intervention With Very Young Children Receiving Palliative Care | 2021 | INFO |