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Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: Reiki for promotion of health and sleep quality in hospital nursing professionals
PT: Reiki para promoção da saúde e qualidade do sono em profissionais de enfermagem de hospital
SP: Reiki para la promoción de la salud y la calidad de sueño en profesionales de enfermería hospitalaria
2022   INFO
Blood Pressure / Blood Values, ImmunologyStress and AnxietyClinical studyEffect of Reiki Therapy on Blood Pressure and Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults: A Clinical Trial2022   INFO
Healing - Distance / IntentionStress and AnxietyClinical studyStress and Anxiety Reduction Effects of a Reiki Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Employees in Lima2022   INFO
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual levelStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisEN: Reiki therapy and worker health
PT: A terapia de Reiki e a saúde do trabalhador
ES: Terapia Reiki y salud del trabajado
2022   INFO
Newborn and Premature BornChildrenClinical studyThe Use of Reiki in Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn2022   INFO
Blood Pressure / Blood Values, ImmunologyStress and AnxietyClinical studyAssociation between Holistic Nursing Intervention Combined with Self-Administered Reiki and Changes in Mean Arterial Blood Pressure among Pregnant Women Diagnosed with Mild Hypertensive Disorder2022   INFO
Chronic Illness / PainPain ManagementClinical studyThe effects of Reiki and hand massage on pain and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis2022   INFO
Mental Health: Depression and AnxietyNursing / Care ProgramClinical studyEN: Wheel of Life and Reiki repercussions on Health promotions for nursing professionals
PT: Roda da Vida e reprercussõesdo Reiki na promoção da saúde de profissionais de enfermagem
ES : Ruede de la Vida y repercusiomes del Reiki en la promoció de la salud para professionales de enfermería
2022   INFO
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual levelBiofield / Energy medicineReview / Meta-analysisAn Evaluation of the Subjective Experience of Receiving Reiki: Qualitative Results from a Pragmatic Effectiveness Study2022   INFO
Communication, Ethics and Behavior of Energy Medicine workersNursing / Care ProgramOtherEN: University Extension: Implementation of the project: “Reiki For Love; Therapeutic Touch”

PT: Extensão Universitária: Implantação do Projecto “Reiki Por Amor: Toque Terapêutico”

ES: Extensión Univeristaria: Implementación del Proyecto: “Reiki Por Amor: Toque Therapéutico”
2022   INFO