World Reiki Research
The aim of this “Science & Reiki database” is to facilitate the search for scientific articles. It compiles all the clinical studies on the Reiki method and is regularly updated. It is aimed at both researchers and the general public interested in the science of Reiki. It also enables us to analyse the evolution of Reiki research in the world of science. For example, it shows that Reiki research has nearly tripled in 10 years and that Brazil and Turkey become some of the biggest contributors.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you find it useful for your project. Please submit to any report, study and article for review and inclusion in this database. Any external link to the present “Science & Reiki database” is welcome.
Topic | Category | Type | Title | Year | Info |
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personal | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | EN: Reiki for promotion of health and sleep quality in hospital nursing professionals PT: Reiki para promoção da saúde e qualidade do sono em profissionais de enfermagem de hospital SP: Reiki para la promoción de la salud y la calidad de sueño en profesionales de enfermería hospitalaria | 2022 | INFO |
Blood Pressure / Blood Values, Immunology | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Effect of Reiki Therapy on Blood Pressure and Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults: A Clinical Trial | 2022 | INFO |
Healing - Distance / Intention | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Stress and Anxiety Reduction Effects of a Reiki Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Employees in Lima | 2022 | INFO |
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual level | Stress and Anxiety | Review / Meta-analysis | EN: Reiki therapy and worker health PT: A terapia de Reiki e a saúde do trabalhador ES: Terapia Reiki y salud del trabajado | 2022 | INFO |
Newborn and Premature Born | Children | Clinical study | The Use of Reiki in Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn | 2022 | INFO |
Blood Pressure / Blood Values, Immunology | Stress and Anxiety | Clinical study | Association between Holistic Nursing Intervention Combined with Self-Administered Reiki and Changes in Mean Arterial Blood Pressure among Pregnant Women Diagnosed with Mild Hypertensive Disorder | 2022 | INFO |
Chronic Illness / Pain | Pain Management | Clinical study | The effects of Reiki and hand massage on pain and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis | 2022 | INFO |
Mental Health: Depression and Anxiety | Nursing / Care Program | Clinical study | EN: Wheel of Life and Reiki repercussions on Health promotions for nursing professionals PT: Roda da Vida e reprercussõesdo Reiki na promoção da saúde de profissionais de enfermagem ES : Ruede de la Vida y repercusiomes del Reiki en la promoció de la salud para professionales de enfermería | 2022 | INFO |
Well-being - Experience on physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual level | Biofield / Energy medicine | Review / Meta-analysis | An Evaluation of the Subjective Experience of Receiving Reiki: Qualitative Results from a Pragmatic Effectiveness Study | 2022 | INFO |
Communication, Ethics and Behavior of Energy Medicine workers | Nursing / Care Program | Other | EN: University Extension: Implementation of the project: “Reiki For Love; Therapeutic Touch” PT: Extensão Universitária: Implantação do Projecto “Reiki Por Amor: Toque Terapêutico” ES: Extensión Univeristaria: Implementación del Proyecto: “Reiki Por Amor: Toque Therapéutico” | 2022 | INFO |