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Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyThe Effects of Reiki on the Stress of Japanese Nurses: Mixed Methods Pilot Study2024   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyZen Den: A Novel Approach to Promote Well-Being in the Workplace2024   INFO
OncologyPain ManagementReview / Meta-analysisThe Effect of Reiki on Fatigue Symptoms of Cancer Patients : A Systematic Review2024   INFO
OncologyPain ManagementReview / Meta-analysisEN: Influence of Reiki with complementary therapy in the treatment of cancer pain
CA: Influència del Reiki com a teràpia complementària en el tractament del dolor oncològic
2024   INFO
Blood Pressure / Blood Values, ImmunologyStress and AnxietyOtherExploring the therapeutic potential of Reiki in patients with arrhythmias: a step towards holistic healing2024   INFO
Healing - Laying on HandsStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisA systematic review and multivariate meta-analysis of the physical and mental health benefits of touch interventions
2024   INFO
Healing - Laying on HandsStress and AnxietyOtherThe Power of Touch : New research highlights the benefits of touch interventions2024   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyClinical studyEN: Reiki Distance Treatment to Health Care Professionals in 19 Hospitals in Switzerland and France
DE: Reiki-Fernbehandlung für Pflegefachpersonal in 19 Spitälern in der Schweiz und Frankreich
FR: Traitement Reiki à distance pour les professionnels de la santé dans 19 hôpitaux en Suisse et en France
IT: Trattamento di Reiki a distanza per gli operatori sanitari in 19 ospedali in Svizzera e Francia
SP: Tratamiento de Reiki a distancia para profesionales de enfermería en 19 hospitales de Suiza y Francia
PT: Tratamento de Reiki à distância para profissionais de saúde em 19 hospitais na Suíça e em França
2024   INFO
OncologyStress and AnxietyClinical studyThe Effect of Reiki on Fatigue and Sleep Quality in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomised Controlled Study2024   INFO
Mental Health: Burnout / Stress by Nurses and Care personalStress and AnxietyReview / Meta-analysisTherapeutic effects of Reiki on interventions for anxiety: a meta-analysis2024   INFO